Channel: THWACK: Message List

View SEE logs in SEM


Symantec Endpoint Encryption (SEE) event logs can be found on client machines under Windows logs > Application > Symantec Encryption (Event IDs 3000-3013, 3020-3023, 3040-3045, 3070, 3071, 3101-3104, 3151-3164, 3201-3203). Is there any way to view these logs in LEM/SEM?

Re: Issues authenticating to API with a Windows group account


I agree with you.  That is the response I got as well.  There is a bigger issue since they made a change to the way the API authenticates. 

Keep pushing back and ask to escalate your ticket so they will deploy a fix.

My ticket has been open since September.  You will have to do more trouble shooting on your end to prove it to them


What version is your working environment versus the non working environment?


Our working version was Orion Platform 2018.4 HF3 with NPM 12.4, but when we upgraded to Orion Platform 2019.2 with NPM 12.5 we noticed issues logging in with AD to the API.


Direct quote from an application engineer in my ticket:

"To answer your question, it has been confirmed by our developers that there has been a change in the way the API authentication works with LDAP."

Re: Upgrade to 2019.4 - Pre-flight check errors


Interestingly after comparing the files (going cross eyed doing it) i couldn't find the differences but i did find this.


Running the pre-flight check on the main poller directly came back clean, i was running it from an AWS before and to this day still tells me i have two pollers in an inconsistent state. As the main poller is coming back clean i will run the installer from there.


Once getting past this I ran into another issue in that the OLV installer will only let you put the database on the same SQL server as the main DB, I have two SQL servers and wanted to put the OLV database alongside the flow database.


I don't fancy letting the centralised installer do it's work and then have to re-run the config wizard on each server to get it to the right place

Re: Configuration Wizard Error


even using domain admin account i am getting the same error.


There is a Windows defender and Firewall in ON state.. customer is not agreeing to disable it..

Re: LDAP and Client Name Changes




From experience, the LDAP sync will handle some field changes just fine but for name or email addresses changes I have found it easiest to actually go in and edit the Client record directly in WHD to reflect your AD changes before the next LDAP sync runs. That way your Client will retain the ticket history & assigned assets etc.


Also- you can set LDAP to sync using either User name or email address (under LDAP Connections> Connection Basics> Advanced> Bulk Synchronisation if you are editing an existing connection), so that might work for you depending on whether the username and email address are both changing in your instance?



Custom Tile - Alerts Filtering


Hi All,


I have setup custom tile and set filter using a custom property, tile shows proper information for the filtered nodes. But on the top 5 alerts section, if I click on an alert, it shows active alerts for all the nodes, not the filtered one.


Can someone help me how to show alerts for the particular on nodes on active alerts page. Screenshots below


Here it shows 12 high response time alerts for these nodes.

When I click on the alert it shows alerts for all the nodes, find the numbers below.

Help me how to achieve the filtered alerts.


Thanks in advance.


Can you guys help me.

Script LabwlutherKMSigmaaLTeReGo



I have this SQL query that gives me the average availability of the previous month for the firewalls at my sites:

DECLARE @startOfCurrentMonth DATETIME  
SET @startOfCurrentMonth = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), 0)  
sub.SummaryMonth AS Month_Of,  
AVG (sub.AVERAGE_of_Availability) as Total_Average  
SELECT Nodes.VendorIcon AS Vendor_Icon,  
Nodes.Caption AS NodeName,  
Nodes.MachineType AS Machine_Type,  
AVG(ResponseTime.Availability) AS AVERAGE_of_Availability,  
LTRIM(MONTH(DateTime)) + '/01/' + LTRIM(YEAR(DateTime)),  
101) AS SummaryMonth  
Nodes INNER JOIN ResponseTime ON (Nodes.NodeID = ResponseTime.NodeID)  
( datetime >= DATEADD(month, -1, @startOfCurrentMonth) AND datetime < @startOfCurrentMonth )  
(    (Nodes.Caption LIKE '%-FW')  
GROUP BY CONVERT(DateTime, LTRIM(MONTH(DateTime)) + '/01/' + LTRIM(YEAR(DateTime)), 101),  
Nodes.VendorIcon, Nodes.Caption, Nodes.MachineType  
) sub  
GROUP BY sub.SummaryMonth  


However, the percentage that is returned keeps changing. I figured this was because there is some Availability retention setting that is less than 30 days or something. i've done some research, and it seems the Daily Statistics Retention setting is used for availability retention. I have mine set for 90 days, but the percentage was still changing.


I then played with the query a little bit and came up with this to see what data was getting pulled in:


DECLARE @startOfCurrentMonth DATETIME  
SET @startOfCurrentMonth = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), 0)  
SELECT Nodes.VendorIcon AS Vendor_Icon,  
Nodes.Caption AS NodeName,  
Nodes.MachineType AS Machine_Type,      
--find where responsetime.availability is pulling  
ResponseTime.Availability AS AVERAGE_of_Availability,  
LTRIM(MONTH(DateTime)) + '/01/' + LTRIM(YEAR(DateTime)),  
101) AS SummaryMonth,  
DateTime, ResponseTime.NodeID  
Nodes INNER JOIN ResponseTime ON (Nodes.NodeID = ResponseTime.NodeID)  
( datetime >= DATEADD(month, -1, @startOfCurrentMonth) AND datetime < @startOfCurrentMonth )  
(    (Nodes.Caption LIKE '%-FW')  
GROUP BY CONVERT(DateTime, LTRIM(MONTH(DateTime)) + '/01/' + LTRIM(YEAR(DateTime)), 101),  
Nodes.VendorIcon, Nodes.Caption, Nodes.MachineType, ResponseTime.Availability, DateTime, ResponseTime.NodeID  
Order BY DateTime


It looks like it is just appending the data again? i figure this is because it is a view maybe?


So, my question is what am i doing wrong here? where is ResponseTime.Availability getting pulled from for that view?

I'm just trying to pull in the average availability for devices that end in '-FW'.


Thank you all in advance.

Re: Custom Tile - Alerts Filtering


haja4nhn I think what you are wanting SHOULD be how those two widgets work together. If I were making it, I'd want the filter from any widget to be automatically applied to any link also on the widget. Unfortunately, I think they are currently working as they have been built. Unless I'm way off here, I'd think this would be a perfect example of not only a Feature Request, but a good UX example too. I'm not sure who is running UX for NPM now, but maybe kbongi or ashley.orr could point you to the correct person.


Until then, I wonder if we could gather enough pieces to build our own solution, using some SWQL and a Custom Query widget... No promises, but I'll put it on my list of things to work on, and see what we come up with.

Re: SAM and CPU Monitoring


If the condition must exist for 20 minutes, why would a one time spike cause the alert to trigger?  I am seeing the same thing on my on prem servers.

Re: API for automated update of fields for Solarwinds NPM


I have been trying this add_node.py. I could add nodes with IP we inserting. Other properties and such and also how to have an "API", never used or created one. To make it automated with CMDB. Thank you in advance..

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